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PS/IS 180 Hugo Newman

College Preparatory School

Tech Support

DOE Student Accounts (Updated for 2024-2025)

The DOE creates a student account for every single New York City public school student, including 3K and Pre-K students. With your DOE student account, you can access an array of DOE technology platforms, including TeachHub, Google Workspace, and Zoom.


Your DOE student account will stay the same as long as you enrolled in a DOE school. This means students will have the same DOE email address from Pre-K all the way through 12th grade while in a DOE school. 


How to Log in to Google Classroom

  1. Go to

  2. Enter your username and password

    • Login letters were backpacked home in October.  

    • If you need your login information, please contact your classroom teacher. ​

  3. Click on the tab labeled Early Education (for PK & K), Elementary Education (for 1st-5th), Middle School (for 6th-8th)

  4. Under Productivity & Collaboration, find the Google Classroom icon


If this is your first time logging in:

  1. Select I Understand, then Continue

  2. Choose your role of Student

  3. Click JOIN on your child’s Google Classroom(s)

  4. Under CLASSWORK, locate the activities posted by your child’s teacher

    • You may see multiple classes, including your child’s specials.

Logging into Zoom

  1. Download the Zoom app 

  2. Select SIGN IN WITH SSO

  3. Type in the company domain:

  4. You will be directed to the DOE login page, enter your student's credentials

  5. You should be automatically directed back to the Zoom app

  6. Enter your meeting ID and passcode OR click on your meeting link


You can also log in from your browser:

Student Account Password Reset  

If your child is in 2nd through 8th grade, their password was set at the beginning of the year by Ms. Smolinsky. We ask that you do not change their password so we can help students login during the school day.


If you have forgotten your password and forgot or never set a PIN, you must contact the school to receive a temporary password. Contact Ms. Smolinsky using the button below.


If you know your PIN or have a temporary password, you can follow these steps to reset your password: 

Follow these steps to activate your child's DOE student account. With your child's login letter, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Click “Password & Profile Management"

  3. Enter your username and password

  4. Click Log In


Under the Password & Profile Management tool, you can: 

  • Personal Information: Here you can enter an alternate email address or a phone number.

(Your name, DOE email address, and username are pre-populated and you cannot change them in this tool).

  • Reset Password: Change your password.

  • PIN Reset: Manage the PIN number for your account, which will help verify your identity when you’ve forgotten your password or need to retrieve your username. 

  • Security Questions: Manage the security questions, which will help verify your identity when you’ve forgotten your password or need to retrieve your username.

Logging into i-Ready


  1. Go to

  2. Click Login as Student

  3. Select Login with NYCENET

  4. Enter your DOE student account information

    • This is the same information you use in the computer lab.​

    • 2nd - 4th Grade: All passwords are 180Newman

    • 5th - 8th Grade: All passwords begin with Jaguar and ends with 3 numbers

  5. ​Find the i-Ready icon

  6. Select your subject​

PS 180  Family Facing Tutorials

Need additional tech support? 

PLEASE NOTE: Ms. Smolinsky is currently on maternity leave.

You can also call the school for support (212)678-2849

Support is available during school hours when school is in session.

Students working with iPads.

Contact Us

370 W 120th St 

New York, New York 10027

Telephone: (212) 678-2849

Facsimile: (212) 665-1572

©2023 PS/IS 180 Hugo Newman College Preparatory School

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