PS/IS 180 Hugo Newman
College Preparatory School
Donate to
PS/IS 180 Today!
As we seek to maintain a rich tradition of excellence, enrichment and engagement at PS/IS 180, we are requesting support from all families in our school community. One way the PTA supports the school is through an annual pledge drive, which helps make possible many schoolwide programs, including community events, RTS Jaguar Jumpstart, recess support, classroom supplies, Ballet Hispanico, Midori and Friends Music, Cool Culture, Jaguar Knights Chess program, Green Team school gardening, composting and sustainability, school tours, pictures, lost and found and more!
We are looking for 100% participation from all our families and teachers. If you’re short on funds…we’ve got you, give what you can. No amount is too small to demonstrate your commitment to our children’s education. If your budget will allow you to give generously, please do! Every dollar given to the PTA goes to support our teachers, build community and provide enrichment opportunities for our children.
Now more than ever is the time to strengthen our communities.
Let's start with our school, let’s do it together, let’s do it today!
The PS/IS 180 Parent Association is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our EIN is 38-3708491. Your donation is for use in the United States only and is fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

How can I donate?
PayPal is a safe and easy way to make a donation.
You can do a one-time gift or a recurring monthly gift.
Click Donate below to get started!